The Three M's - - The Matrix, The Maze, The Minefield.....


This page is excerpted from Step 02 of my book, the 20 Steps.

This page is NOT comprehensive, just brief descriptions of the above.....


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The 'MATRIX' is the construct of the human "world" around us.  All of Human-kind has been quarantined on this planet.

We've taken possession of the planet - - As-is, Where-is.....  [ you'll notice I DIDN'T say 'ownership' ]

We are quarantined BECAUSE we are ALL INFECTED.  If you weren't infected, you wouldn't be here.


We are ALL the walkin', talkin', reproducin' "Undead" of the Universe.....

That being said - - in our individual, reduced, debilitated "Zombie" state of mind - - what you see is the collective end result

of every thought, word and deed of the entire 'Zombie' human race - - from beginning to present day.....

This is our "Asylum" - - we are all "Inmates" - - and we THINK we are running the whole show.....

AS a "Zombie" - - you don't - - and CAN'T - - see it from the 'outside-in' - -but it's a HOT MESS!!!!!


The point is - - there's an alternative - - THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE - - a CURE, for god's sake!!!


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The 'Maze' is as confusing as it sounds.  The Maze exists in your mind.  The Maze is, or are, your thoughts.

Natively, you have no 'Map'.  You CANNOT "peek above the walls".  YOUR Maze is unique to you, and you alone.

Everyone's Maze is INTENTIONALLY CLOSED - - THERE IS NO ESCAPE - - unless you embrace & live the TRUTH.....

While not fluid, the Maze CAN be 'reconfigured', on the fly - - IF, and ONLY IF - - YOU come to know the TRUTH!!!

Although YOUR Maze only exists in YOUR mind, you CANNOT 'reconfigure' it by yourself.....

IF & WHEN you accept, embrace and LIVE the TRUTH - - your Maze is reconfigured FOR YOU!!!

You are GIVEN a Map, and a Path - - and an EXIT - - the ONLY EXIT THAT EXISTSTHERE IS NO OTHER WAY OUT.

That's not to say that there aren't twists & turns all around you - - but your path is narrow & straight - - just stay on it!!!

[ Trapped in the Maze ]


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The 'Minefield' is just as dangerous as it sounds.    [ just when you thought it couldn't get any worse..... ]

The 'Minefield' is where Causality & 'Instant Karma' take over.....

The Minefield is where you start to look at the Asylum world around you, and listen to the other 'Undead' Inmates around you.....

Not only is the very concept of TRUTH foreign to you - - it is utterly lacking in every Zombie around you.....

You start making what you think are 'Choices' - - in TOTAL IGNORANCE - - with a head FULL OF LIES.....

They are NOT 'choices' - - EITHER WAY YOU TURN - - without "TRUTH", you're still in a CLOSED MAZE.....

[ Trapped in the Maze ]

You start to draw conclusions - - form habits - - believe only what YOU want to believe, regardless of the actual TRUTH.....

You wander down the pathways of your mental Maze that are littered with the Land-mines of Lies.....

Some of these lies are what you've gleaned from other Zombies - - some are lies you tell yourself.....

And, without TRUTH - - EVERY 'Choice' you make is based solely on "Self" & sloth.....

EVERY thought, word and deed you generate is a 'Cause' - - and ALL have effects - - Consequences - - some you see, some

you don't - - that affect everyone and everything around you, to one degree or another - - like ripples in a pond.....

'Instant Karma' is the "Blow-back", the "Gunshot Residue", if you will - - the Inescapable and Immutable effect(s) that literally

define who and/or what you actually ARE in this world.....  'Good' or 'Bad', the effect(s) of what you thought, spoke or

did - - affect YOU infinitely more than anyone or anything around you.....  This is your "Karma", and it's instantaneous.....

You CANNOT avoid all of the 'Land-mines' all of your 'life' - - no one ever has - - no one ever will.....

All we offer is a 'Mine-Detector' - - a Bulls**t meter, if you will - - a standard of OBJECTIVE TRUTH with which to compare.....


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