Do You See What I See???


Perhaps the underlying triggers for this entire project were the 'truism' "You don't know what you don't know", and the life of

Helen Keller.  That, and the underlying "Questions of the Ages":  Who are we, what are we, where are we, why are we here

& how do we get out alive?  If this could be distilled to one word, I think that word is "Perception".


Helen Keller was stone deaf & totally blind from shortly after birth.

No 'perception' of sight or sound.

No way to communicate anything at all.


Look at the life of a deer - - theirs is a world of black & white.  No color vision at all.  They CAN, however, see in the ultraviolet range.....


Turns out that MANY nocturnal animals perceive reflected UV light.

The moon reflects twelve (12) times more UV light than visible light - - go figure.....


Pit vipers 'see' in the infra-red to acquire, stalk & kill their prey.


Bats 'see' through echo-location so precisely that they can find, track & intercept thousands of mosquitoes in flight - - EVERY NIGHT!!


Humans see only what THEY WANT to see.....


Take the time to peruse the two (2) dimensional 'pictures' in the Google Images link, below-right.....

Not everyone is capable of "perceiving" some or all of the images.

[and some are either mis-categorized, or corrupt & unviewable]


I've added selected images below-left, so that you may see some of the more spectacular ones, first.....

Some appear as repetitious icons or patterns - - some appear as carpet-like patterns - - some appear random.....

NONE are 'spectacular' at first glance.....     Stare THROUGH the image(s),  and, with luck, your jaw will drop -

your brain will be startled - your breath will be taken away - you may experience vertigo.....


This is your introduction to "Perception" - - to an unknown world outside of your 'Self' - - a first peek through the 'Brane' of Evil.....


Seeing what is REALLY THERE - - not what you 'think it is' at first glance.....     [ or because you "know better"..... ]


You are a twelve (12) dimensional being - - TRAPPED in a five (5) dimensional world - - living a two (2) dimensional life.


Come see a GLIMPSE of what you're missing.....     [ if you listen carefully, you might hear your first whisper of the 'Matrix' ]