Behind The Scenes


I'm sorry - - this isn't intended to be misleading - - but there are no 'insider' secrets here.....


This is simply a section where I will try to explain how I reached some of my core concepts & conclusions.....


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I've always been sort of a 'Big Picture' guy.....


I've spent my ENTIRE life trying to listen to others, & figure out if whatever they were saying is 'right' or 'wrong', and how they 'know' it.....


Not to mention all of the ageless questions.....


Who are we, what are we, where are we, how did we get here, why are we here & what happens after we die.....


WHY DO WE DIE????????????


Do we even actually 'exist' at all?  Are we nothing more than a butterfly's dream?  Are we a program loop in the "Matrix"???


Does 'God' exist?  A 'god'??  Many 'gods'???  No 'god', or 'gods'????? Are WE 'gods'????



Are we inherently 'good', or 'bad'?  Is there 'good' or 'bad'??  Is there 'right' or 'wrong'???

Or do we all just do 'right' in our own eyes????

Is there Universal, immutable TRUTH?  Or do we each simply speak truth into existence??  [not]

Is the only "real truth" - - that there is no "truth"???

[ anyone notice that this is an oxymoron, and a self-contradicting statement on it's face??? ]

[ violating the 2nd Law of Rational Thought, - - - - - a.k.a. IRRATIONAL (synonyms: delusional, self-deceiving, insane, etc...) ]


Is the purse-snatcher doing wrong, or just pursuing a legitimate career path?  [at YOUR expense, of course]

If the cycle of life is truly just "Survival of the Fittest", why do we bother with "Laws" of any sort whatsoever?????

[ "Survival of the Fittest" is just 19th century 'polite-speak' ('political correctness') for: Kill or be Killed ]


Are we simply matter in motion?     Are we just overly complex, sophisticated pond scum??


What do 'Universe' & 'Infinity' & 'Forever' mean?


The human mind cannot grasp the concept of 'Infinite' anything.....


We say the word to each other, and nod.....     We DO agree that it's an open-ended direction, but can't comprehend 'without end'


Why is the visible edge of 'our' Universe receding from us at a significant fraction of the speed of light?  [or is it, really??]


Why are we stuck on this rock?  Why the stupendous distances involved getting to the next Star, much less the next Galaxy?

The TIME it would take?  The vacuum?  The cold?  The lack of EVERYTHING we need in between here & there???


Where are the 'Wormholes'??     Where are the 'Warp Drives'???


We both know I could go on for another 10,000 pages, and barely scratch the surface.....


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I DO believe, however, that there are definitive answers to these questions, that we can deduce said answers, and then it's up to

us to accept the actual TRUTH of what we discover - - or reject said TRUTH - - and continue to knowingly, willfully live a lie.....


[ I suppose one could never consider, nor act upon, searching for 'truth'. ]

[ The old axiom being "Ignorance is Bliss". ]

I beg to differ ]


Why go to all the trouble of ascertaining TRUTH simply to turn & walk away??

Because it's 'scary'?

Because it's contrary to what we've held to be 'true' all along, but is now proved to have been false??

Because it's not what mommy told us??

Because "I" didn't think it up, so it can't be true???

Because it clashes diametrically with my innate, insane lust for sex, power & money???

Because it inconveniently gores my personal ox?????

All pretty childish - - don't you agree??


Contrary to popular culture - - there ARE immutable TRUTHS out there for the taking.....

[ remember - - the "Herd" is ALWAYS WRONG!!! ]  [ don't be a sheep, or a lemming..... ]


Step off any 100' cliff or building - - - - -

and you will experience the TRUTH of Gravity - - - - -

and the physics (and truth) of ultra-rapid deceleration - - - - - splat.....


2+2=4 - - Never anything more or less, ever.

Try going into any bank, with a different answer, and see how long you can stay out of handcuffs.....

[after which, you will experience an entire other set of 'truths' - - most of which you WILL NOT LIKE!!]


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What REALLY got me going, though, were (in no particular order) four (4) separate but intimately intertwined concepts.....


The first was the Law of the Excluded Middle - - L.O.T.E.M. - - literally, the cornerstone of EVERYTHING, including,

but not limited to, YOU, ME, this Universe & any other Creation, Heaven, Hell and even GOD Himself.....


The second was 'Ex Nihilo, Nihil Fit' - - "From Nothing, Comes Nothing".


The third was 'Causality' - - Cause & Effect - - we see the 'Effect', but the TRUTH - the 'WHY' - lies in the 'Cause'.

Where HUMANITY stumbles - - is the 'WHY' - - Without the 'WHY' we have NO HOPE - - we have NOTHING!!!

WHY are we here?  Is there "meaning", or not?  Is there "purpose", or not?

If 'not' - - then, so what? - - - - - But if there IS a "meaning" to this life - - WHAT IS IT?????

The Law of the Excluded Middle dictates that there either IS - - or there ISN'T - - - - - If there ISN'T - - so be it.

But if there IS - - then L.O.T.E.M. demands one (1) UNIQUE (and TRUE) answer - - to the absolute exclusion of all other possibilities.


Now, YOUR personal, specific "Purpose" in this life is another question for another section.....

But you will NEVER know YOUR personal "purpose" until you accept the one (1) TRUE "Meaning of Life".....

Without YOU knowing the "Meaning of Life" - - your WHOLE LIFE is nothing more than a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME & EFFORT.....

Each and every single thing you do amounts to nothing more than your re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Thinking you're making a difference - - thinking you're making your mark on History.....


[ to quote Charles de Gaulle, "The cemeteries are full of indispensable men" ]

Without YOU KNOWING the "Meaning of Life" - - your 'supposed' purpose - - whatever you're doing now - - - THAT AIN'T IT!!!!!


The fourth was 'Instant Karma' - - the instantaneous "Blow-back" of every single thought, word & deed that you think, say and do.....

This "Blow-back" is Preordained, Immutable, Instantaneous, Inescapable, Irreversible & Permanent.


You are CONTINUALLY ringing a bell that can NEVER BE UN-RUNG!!!!!


And, separately, the realization that we are ALL 'undead' Zombies - - and that there IS a CURE!!!!!

ALL of us - Quarantined here on this Earth - - NONE of us will EVER leave this rock alive.....

All of us - - - INFECTED - - - and NO ONE noticing - - or at least not willing to admit it!!!


Everyone "doing right in their own eyes".....

And yet - - the DEPRAVITY & EVIL that we do seems to know no bounds.....

The ENTIRE HUMAN RACE throughout all of History - - so impressed with our 'Selves' - - so pathetic in the execution of our lives.

No 'in-your-face' REASON for living - - no apparent "WHY" - - yet there MUST be SOMETHING of lasting MEANING!!!


[ I mean - - - either there IS - - - or there ISN'T ]     [ L.O.T.E.M. ]


Of course - - - - - - - - - - - there IS!!! 


Once I grasped these concepts - - I started comparing them to everything - - EVERYTHING!!!

 And - - lo and behold - - TRUTH started appearing everywhere - - EVERYWHERE!!!


Go to the "YouTube" links page, and watch the 'Neo Becomes Aware' clip.....

What 'Neo' sees as 'code' surrounding him - - - - - I see as a combination of the framework of the Law of the Excluded Middle,

Instant Karma, Causality & YOUR true Zombie "SELF" shining through.....

Read, or re-read, the "Look in the Mirror" page - - you'll start to get an understanding.....


As always - - it's ALL about 'PERCEPTION' - - about knowing the 'WHY'....

It's about ADMITTING that you don't know what you don't know.....



Every single 'Decision' you make peppers you with the 'Blow-back' of Instant Karma.....

Concomitantly, like ripples in a pond, your 'Decision' influences everyone and everything around you.....

When you think you already "Know Better" - - based on ignorance & irrationality & 'Self' satisfaction - - you're SCREWED.....

And the ONLY person doing the 'screwing' is - - - - - - - - - - YOU!

You are - - - - - LITERALLY, PUBLICLY - - - - - SELF-DESTRUCTING - - - - - in real time!!!!!


You either HAVE the ability to 'perceive' the truth - - or you don't.....

ALL OF MANKIND HAS THAT ABILITY - - so you either DECIDE to comprehend the truth, or you don't.....

If you then begin to comprehend the truth - - you, again, either DECIDE to accept the truth, or you don't.....

If you decide to NOT accept the truth - - you remain your insane, undead, Zombie SELF for all eternity.....

- - OR - -

If you decide to ACCEPT the truth, & act appropriately upon it - - you are CURED - - SANE - - ALIVE - - for all eternity.....


Remember, this is all about 'Rationality' & 'Irrationality'.....

You either think, speak & act 'Rationally' - - or you think, speak & act 'Irrationally'.....

You're either 'Rational' - - or you're NOT - - - - - You're either 'Sane' - - or you're NOT.....


 You are NOT just a body with a 'soul'.....

[ and you are NOT a body without a 'soul'..... ]


We are all CREATED, ETERNAL BEINGS - - "souls", TRAPPED in TEMPORARY physical 'bodies'.....

[ either we are - - - - - or we aren't ]

CREATED & QUARANTINED on this rock for one (1) specific REASON - - one (1) specific PURPOSE!!!!!

And that 'PURPOSE' is - - to discover the MEANING OF LIFE - - and to then ACT UPON IT!!!!!

 I know EXACTLY what that 'Meaning of Life' is - - to the absolute exclusion of ANY other possibility.....

It is the ONLY THING that gives us meaning & purpose & a reason to exist.....

It's the "WHY" - - the REASONING behind the "CAUSE".....


Once I understood The Meaning Of Life - - the ultimate "WHY" - - I then HAD to discover MY INDIVIDUAL PURPOSE in this life.....


And what is more REASONABLE - - more LOGICAL - - more RATIONAL than organizing what I'd discovered.....


And then "SPREADING THE GOOD NEWS"?!?!?!?!?!?!


So - - - - - there you have it - - - - - ma raison d'etre - - - - - my reason for existence.....


Take the time to read the "20 Steps" part of this website, "Step 1", to the very end - - - with any luck, you also will "Get It".....


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