Zombie Recovery Project

As may be deduced from the Title, this is an on-going, open-ended project - - specifically targeted toward permanent recovery,

a "Cure" if you will - - of people that can be positively identified  as "Zombies".  

With the exception of the "Magic Eye" images and the inclusion of significant references to, and use of some materials from, certain lectures from R.C. Sproul, everything within the confines of this website is Copyrighted material, owned by the Zombie Recovery Project and/or the Author.  It is taken either directly, or by re-writing/editing to conform to a web-based structure of presentation, from my forthcoming book '20 Steps'.  "Magic Eye" image copyright resides with their respective owner(s).  Copyright, if it exists, pertaining to the R.C. Sproul lectures resides with the owner.  Inclusion of materials from R.C. Sproul is intended to be covered by the Fair Use Doctrine.



The Human race, in it's entirety.     NO ONE is immune.  Everyone ever born* was, and is, a Zombie, lives a Zombie life and dies a Zombie - - UNLESS - - you realize there's a problem and search out and accept the CURE!!


Yes, there really is a Cure.  There wouldn't be the need for the Cure if there wasn't actually a problem.  And, yes, we can prove it.   The Cure is FREE, but it can't just be given to you, or forced upon you - - you have to realize that you are LOST without it, want it, and come get it for yourself - - the only "cost" being the loss of your Zombie lifestyle & existence.  


It's really a Mission, an Imperative, to confront you with the TRUTH, open your eyes to the horrendous situation that afflicts all mankind (including YOU) and offer you THE ONLY WAY OUT!!  You don't realize it, but you're TRAPPED in the middle of a minefield, in the middle of a maze, in the middle of the "Matrix".....





I exist - - to introduce you to the Zombie Recovery Project.....

                                            The Zombie Recovery Project exists - - to introduce you to the 20 Steps.....

                                                                                        The 20 Steps exist - - to introduce you to the CURE.....

                                                                                                                                    The CURE exists - - to save you from your SELF!!!!!





UNPLUG from the "Matrix" - - get the MAP out of the maze - - see the mines before you step on them..... 


"We're all here to do - - what we're all here to do".....


Come find the MEANING OF LIFE - - and your PURPOSE in this life.....


Come live LIFE as it's MEANT TO BE LIVED!!!


Be who you were BORN TO BE - - Do what you were DESTINED TO DO!!!


YOU are the STAR of the GREATEST "Truman Show" of all Creation!!!!!


Don't just stand there drooling & snarling, with your thumb up your own a**.....



WAKE UP!!!!!



If you've already read this far, you're aware that something is 'wrong' with the world.....

We know WHAT is wrong, & WHY it is the way it is - - and how to FIX IT!!!!!

You're now confronted with that one and only "red pill/blue pill" 'choice' to find out what it is.....

It's now up to YOU to make a DECISION - - Knowledge & Life (red pill) - - or (blue pill) Ignorance and Death.....

Come and learn what we have to offer - - then it will be up to YOU to accept it, or reject it.....

Join the LIVING - - for the first time in your existence - - leave your 'undead' self behind.....

Accept the CURE, and be washed clean - - be as pure as the driven snow.....

Reject the CURE, and sink back into the insane cesspool of the 'Matrix' that is the world you know & see.....


 MAKE THE CHANGE - - if you don't, you'll have no one to blame but YOUR SELF!!


Foundational Elements

One of the great 'True-isms' of life is - - "You don't know what you don't know".

 There are only Two (2) types of people in this world - - the LIVING, & the 'undead'.

Since you're still a Zombie, I can assure you - - you have no CLUE as to the following:

  1. WHO you are.....
  2. WHAT you are.....
  3. WHERE you are.....
  4. WHY you are here.....
  5. HOW to GET OUT, ALIVE!!!!!

You are truly, and in every sense of the word:     "Hypothesi non fingo" - - in the vernacular - - clueless.          Notta - freakin' - CLUE!!!

You waste your entire life re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic - - thinking you're making a difference.  You are not.

You have NO CONCEPT of Truth or PURPOSE or Faith or Love - - you think you do, but you DO NOT.

In this world, in this life - - PEOPLE are all that matter, period.  Whether you're still a Zombie, or you've been CURED - - YOU matter!!

This is not - - prima facie - - a contradiction.  BECAUSE Zombies CAN be Cured - - YOU matter.




So..... let's get on to SOME of the "Foundational Elements".....

  1. You don't know what you don't know.....
  2. There are only two (2) types of people in the world - - the Living & the undead.....
  3. The core principle of EVERYTHING is - - The Law of the Excluded Middle.....          ( L.O.T.E.M. )
  4. Causality - - The 'WHY' - - Accepting & Living the TRUTH is what separates us from the undead....
  5. Everyone is subject to "Instant Karma"  - - The result of #'s 3 & 4, above - - - - - A bell once rung - - CAN'T be un-rung.....
  6. There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see.....
  7. The smartest person in the room - - is the one who realizes they're probably not the smartest person in the room.....
  8. Everything - EVERYTHING is intimately interwoven, intertwined & inter-related.....
  9. We know how to find all the answers - - and we're willing to share with all who want to accept & LIVE the TRUTH.....
  10. If you're not living the truth, you're living a lie.....
  11. If you're not living by RATIONAL thoughts, you're living by IRRATIONAL thoughts!!
  12. If you don't know the difference, you're in trouble - - but you CAN'T KNOW - - you're irrational!!!
  13. If you're not being personally responsible - - you're being personally IRRESPONSIBLE.....
  14. What we call the Universe - - is actually the Ultimate Quarantine System - - Planet Earth is the "Leper Colony" of all creation
  15. *Every single Human Being that's ever been conceived, born or walked the face of this earth - - is, by design, a Zombie.
  16. Each & every single Human Being is intrinsically SELF-DESTRUCTIVE.....
  17. Addiction is NOT a "disease" - - it is the CORE CHARACTERISTIC of humanity - - EVERYONE is addicted to their own "SELF".....
  18. There is ONLY ONE (1) true "REASON" that you, and this entire Universe, exist - - to the absolute exclusion of all other possibilities.
  19. There is ONLY ONE (1) true "Purpose" - - ONE (1) "WHY", that all of humanity exists - - to the absolute exclusion of all other possibilities.
  20. There is ONLY ONE (1) true "Meaning of Life" - - to the absolute exclusion of all other possibilities.          ( L.O.T.E.M. )
  21. If you can't articulate the TRUE "Meaning of Life" correctly, completely & without hesitation - - You're still a Zombie.
  22. We ARE here for a reason - - it's a TEST - - on a cosmic scale - - all of Creation is watching us!!!
  23. You CANNOT 'Cure' yourself - - that is impossible.


               * See the "CURE" Step.....



Zombie Recovery Project

507 N. Commercial Ave.

St. Clair, Missouri     63077   USA

Email: zombierecoveryproject@gmail.com

Telephone: 636 212 2580

Leave a message with YOUR phone number, & the best time to call in YOUR time zone, & we will return the call as soon as possible

Copyright issues and/or web problems and/or missing/broken links, please email:  zombierecoveryproject@gmail.com.  

Copyright © 2016 - 2018 Zombie Recovery Project. All rights reserved