Start asking, and KEEP asking, and I'll organize & answer them.....
001. What do the various acronyms, abbreviations & terms mean?
ANSWER: First, try the 'Definitions' page to see if that helps. Second, if it's not there, ask again - specifically.
002. What does "Hypothesi non fingo" actually mean?
ANSWER: "I do not feign hypothesis" - - in other words - - "I don't pretend to have the slightest idea" - - a.k.a. - - CLUELESS.....
003. What is the 'Cure'?
ANSWER: Read my book, the 20 Steps, to be led to the 'Cure'. [ see question #8, below ]
004. Aside from some of the obvious, you don't actually BELIEVE any of this, do you? Seriously??
ANSWER: Absolutely. Every single point. This is the ONLY "theory" I can come up with that actually fits ALL of the 'facts'. Each and every point can be rigorously argued to conclusion using the Law of the Excluded Middle. The Law of the Excluded Middle is self-defining & self-proving. The Law of the Excluded Middle is the Third Law of the foundation of Rational Thought - - which is the foundation for all Logic, for all of Mathematics & all of 'Science'. [the other two being: 1. The Law of Identity. 2. The Law of Non-Contradiction.]
I am ONLY interested in RATIONAL THOUGHT. Why would I entertain Irrational thought?? I'm NOT interested in lies or delusions.
To quote Sherlock Holmes: "When you have eliminated the IMPOSSIBLE, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the TRUTH!
005. We're all Zombies??? Come on.....
ANSWER: Every 'Religion' [except Humanism - - yes, 'Humanism' is a religion] posits, in one form or another, that man is not divine, man is a 'work-in-progress', there is some form of 'higher-power' or that we become 'one-with-the-universe' or 'become-gods' when we die. The Christian Bible, specifically, states that all mankind falls short of the Glory of God. That we are, by our very nature, sinners. That there are NO 'good' among us. That we are DEAD in our SINS. That without 'Salvation' we will die in our sins and spend eternity with satan & his minions, in unendurable heat, torment & agony, for EVER & EVER & EVER..... I don't know the etymology of the word 'Zombie', although we could both look it up, I suppose. All I know is, we are DEAD in our sins & can be made ALIVE through Christ, Jesus. GOD Himself, in human form, come to redeem all that will accept HIM on HIS terms..... Turn to L.O.T.E.M. - - We either ARE all Zombies, or we aren't. If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and talks like a duck - - odds are - - it's a duck. If you look like a Zombie, and you act like a Zombie, and walk like a Zombie & talk like a Zombie - - odds are - - you're a Zombie. Most importantly - - if you're NOT 'CURED' - - YOU'RE A ZOMBIE!!! [aren't you glad there's a CURE???]
006. Websites aren't free. Who's footing the bill for all of this?
ANSWER: At the moment, I am, out of my pocket. Under the I.R.S. rules for non-profits, we fall under the $6,000.00 per year minimum required for registration, etc... NO DONATIONS have been made or accepted, up to this point. This web host has no provision for online payments under the hosting agreement we have with them, at this time. We do have a mailing address listed elsewhere on this site.
007. Are you a 'Church'? Are you a 'Religion'? If so, could you elaborate, please? If not, what exactly are you?
ANSWER: That's four (4) questions wrapped into one..... LOL Sort of, and no - - All I can say is that the body of Believers in Jesus are referred to as the 'Church' in the New Testament. What WE ARE - - are a free association of Ex-Zombies - - Instructors of the 20 Steps - - Ambassadors of the Sovereign God - - Servants to the Flock - - Spreaders of the WORD..... "Religions" have, for the most part, core beliefs (some rational, some not) and sets of 'rituals' to be observed and/or performed. While it IS true that we DO have some small handful of core 'beliefs' - - all of which are RATIONAL, and provably so (that little inconvenience called TRUTH), we have no set(s) of 'rituals' whatsoever. We are not organized as a 'religion' - - if anything, we're strictly educational.
008. What are the 20 Steps? Why is it called that?
ANSWER: The 20 Steps is the working title to the book I'm writing. It started out as the 39 Steps - - paying homage to the old 1935 black-and-white film of that name - - which was eventually reduced to the 29 Steps - - and finally to the 'current' 20 Steps. The two have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other - - just me trying to be clever, and not succeeding..... This is NOT an A/A 12-step program!
I have no idea what the final name of the book will be..... That being said - - so far I have approximately 20 "Steps" leading you to the "CURE" - - and beyond, into a successful, meaningful purpose-driven life..... Eh, it's a work in progress - - have patience!!
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