Below are excerpts from my forthcoming book, 20 Steps. I've chosen to include, at this time, the Title Page & Step 01.
20 Steps
[ If you're still looking - - this is your answer ]
[ This is THE answer ]
[ Either it is - - or it isn't ]
"All the thoughts of a Turtle, are of Turtles..." - - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"All the thoughts of a Zombie, are of Zombies..." - - Anonymous
I don't give a tinker's damn who you are, or what you've become.....
It makes not one F**king bit of difference what you've “done” up to this point.....
We live in a Laminar universe - - and we live our lives in a Linear fashion.....
“Saint” or “sinner” - - Martyr or mass-murderer - - - - - You CAN NOT “undo” ANY of it!!!!!
'Good', or 'Bad' - - Ultimately, no one cares at all - - it only matters what you DO from this point on.....
The TRAGEDY in this life isn't who or what you've become.....
The TRAGEDY in this life is that you're not who you were BORN to BE.....
and that you are not doing what you were BORN to DO!!!
You have NO CONCEPT of Truth or Purpose or Faith or Love - - you think you do, BUT YOU DO NOT.
98% (+/-) of all lives are TOTALLY WASTED - - completely thrown away & burnt up like the trash.....
BE a part of that 2% that make a REAL DIFFERENCE – that LIVE, THRIVE & SUCCEED!!!
Now, TODAY - - and for all eternity.....
REALIZE - - that if you're NOT part of that 2% - - you ARE part of the 98%!!!!!
REALIZE - - that the DECIDING FACTOR is YOU!!!!! [ plus the 20 Steps leading you to the CURE ]
REALIZE - - that ALL MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN LIE - - we ALL speak lies, believe lies, live lies - - NO ONE is immune.....
REALIZE - - that all men, women & children think, speak & act ONLY in furtherance of their own, personal, "Ulterior Motive".....
REALIZE - - That NO ONE is free - - we are ALL born into SLAVERY - - Until you come to know the TRUTH.....
REALIZE - - that you can come to know the TRUTH – and that the TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!!!!!
REALIZE - - that if you reject that TRUTH - - you will sink back into the insanity, evil, chaos & slavery of this world.....
This is NOT a book about 'Religion'.
This IS a book about 'Truth' - - Objective Truth - - to be accepted, or rejected - - by YOU.
You ARE free to make that 'choice', at least - - but beware, you WILL live OR die by the CONSEQUENCE.
This IS a book about relationships - - first & foremost with yourself - - will you be honest with yourself? Or not??
Second, will you be honest with, and about, the TRUTH?
And, third, will you be honest with your fellow man? Or will you continue to be the deceiver that all men are??
20 Steps. Copyright © 2014 - 2018 Saxon Cole, III. All rights reserved
20 Steps, Step 01
A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step..... [ ancient Chinese proverb ]
1. You don't know what you don't know, Helen.....
Helen Keller went Deaf & Blind at a VERY young age. For YEARS she was unreachable by ANYONE. She lived like an
animal - - doing only as she pleased, and ANY deviation resulted in hissing, tantrums, hitting, biting & violence.
She ate like an animal - - whatever came within arm's reach was inhaled..... She would likewise urinate & defecate like an animal - - wherever & whenever the urge hit..... No CONCEPT of ANYTHING outside of her SELF - - and absolutely no PURPOSE at all..... Her life was a stinking, meaningless, chaotic and violent “Pinball” existence.....
Eventually, Anne Sullivan, a 'nanny/sign-language' instructor was hired. For her efforts, she was scratched, clawed, bitten, head-butted, slapped, punched & kicked. It was the perfect match of the unstoppable force ( Helen ) meeting the unmovable object. Weeks, Months, YEARS went by with ZERO progress. More than A DECADE elapsed. Thousands & thousands & thousands of attempts to get Helen to recognize and understand the hand sign language alphabet - - repeatedly pressed into her hands at every opportunity - - EVERY OPPORTUNITY - - all to no avail.
Then, one typical day, Helen - - face down in another mud puddle - - AGAIN - - dragged to the well-head & water being hand-pumped to wash her off - - all the while she's being restrained - - AGAIN - - kicking & biting & hissing - - the Teacher starts AGAIN with the “W”, - - then the “A”, - - then the “T”, - - then the “E”, - - then the “R” - - Over & over & over again.....
Another gush of the pump - - another 'W', 'A', 'T', 'E', 'R'.....
Another gush of the pump - - another 'W', 'A', 'T', 'E', 'R'.....
Another gush of the pump - - another 'W', 'A', 'T', 'E', 'R'.....
and another - - and another - - and another - - and another - - and another - - and another - - and another - - and another.....
And Helen “GETS IT”!!!!!!!!!! - - Instant calm, instant silence - - and Helen signs back 'W', 'A', 'T', 'E', 'R'.....
That first flash of insight that you're NOT the center of the universe - - that first whisper of the 'Matrix' - - that first glimpse of something outside of that 'undead' Zombie existence called “SELF”.
We're all born as little ZOMBIES - - most CHOOSE to remain so..... SOME VERY FEW OF US DON'T.....
You might argue that you never 'chose' to be here, or 'chose' to be a 'Zombie'. The fact of the matter is, you're here whether you want to be, or not - - and that as a Zombie you are born – and the 'choice' you make in NOT 'choosing' to NOT be a Zombie is still a choice. “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice”. NOT choosing - - is to remain a 'Zombie', an absolutely SELFISH CHILD your entire life.
A waste in every sense of the word. Or - - choose to NOT be a Zombie - - GROW UP, for God's sake!!!!
[ Guys - - think with the BIG head, NOT the little one..... ]
[ Girls - - don't let the little man-in-the-boat run (ruin?) your life..... ]
Until you are 'cured', ALL people, ultimately - - think, speak & act to justify either their own sexuality, greed, or power - - to please only themselves...
What you consider 'Freewill' is only the 'undead' Zombie brain's knee-jerk impulse to act on 'Feelings', based on bad or no information whatsoever.....
REALIZE - - there is NO HOPE FOR YOU in this state of mind..... You are TRAPPED in the PRISON of your 'SELF' - - but there IS a CURE!!!!!
The only 'choice' you truly have is to turn from the Zombie way - - out of the darkness & into the LIGHT!!!
We all live in this Cosmic 'Pinball' machine we call "LIFE" - - and we're ALL Quarantined here on planet Earth.....
You're just a 'ball', and you are certainly NOT 'FREE' - - you're hypnotized by the bells & flashing lights - - just like a Zombie.....
You might wish you were a 'bumper' or a 'flipper', but you're not even that.....
You're living in a limited & temporary, contrived three (3) dimensional 'game-world'.....
QUARANTINED on this rock - - more effectively than under any glass - - by absolute cold, absolute vacuum & STUPENDOUS distances.....
You might THINK it's YOU that's working the buttons - - BUT IT NEVER WILL BE..... and there IS NO ESCAPE without the 'CURE'.....
Most of us are BLESSED with sight & hearing & speech......
But I'm telling you - - there is another plane of perception - - of which you are ALL spectacularly unaware.....
[ Look In The Mirror ] [ Do You See What I See ]
Mentally - - maybe consciously - - maybe subconsciously - - you're resisting - - hissing, biting, struggling - - still wallowing
in the mud & filth - - not seeing, or understanding or EVEN IMAGINING there's any other way of existence.....
Maybe at some point you'll just stand up and want to argue, or lash out, or just curse at me, scream at me & walk out.....
Or worse - - be your true 'Zombie' self and attempt to get physical - - hitting, biting, tearing, trying to rip my guts out.....
The question then is - - WHY????? - - I'm not forcing you to change - - so why would you forcibly try to shut me up?????
I'm more than willing to let you live your so-called 'life' as you see fit - - so you let me live my life as I see fit.....
I'll listen to your justifications (excuses) for your actions all day long - - will you return the courtesy??? - - or will the Zombie within, rule???
I've walked that mile in your shoes - - and realized I didn't like it - - and started looking.....
All I'm offering is an alternative - - a CHOICE - - THE CHOICE - - the ONLY true choice YOU, and ALL of the ZOMBIES will ever have.
You're out there - - wallowing in the mud & excrement - - constantly buffeted & assaulted by you know not what, or whom.....
And I'm up here just “Signing” as hard as I can - - over and over and over again - - day after day, week after week, month after month.....
My 'alphabet' has 20 'letters' - - 20 Steps
I'll never stop 'Signing' - - It's MY PURPOSE in life.....
Come on, all you 'Helens' out there - - - GET IT!!!!!
20 Steps. Copyright © 2014 - 2018 Saxon Cole, III. All rights reserved
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